ZIVPN: Login SSH with HWID vs. HWID (*Save as File only)

When working with ZIVPN configurations, you might encounter features like Login SSH with HWID and HWID (*Save as File only). Despite their similar names, these features serve distinct purposes. This guide will help you understand the differences and proper use of each feature.

Login SSH with HWID

Login SSH with HWID utilizes your HWID (Hardware ID) as both the username and password for SSH authentication, allowing remote verification from the server side. Use this feature only if you have control over the server.

Role 1 (Server Owner as Config Creator): Lock the config with this feature and distribute it to your users. Use SSH details formatted as test:test@your_server:server_port in ZIVPN to lock the config. The "test" is simply a placeholder for the app's parameters. Wait for HWIDs from your users.

Role 2 (Config User): As a config user, send your HWID (e.g., ffffffff917e5881ffffffffef05ac4a auto-generated by ZIVPN) to the config creator or server owner. The server owner will add your HWID to their server using these Linux commands:

useradd -m -s /bin/false ffffffff917e5881ffffffffef05ac4a
passwd ffffffff917e5881ffffffffef05ac4a
ffffffff917e5881ffffffffef05ac4a (enter twice)

HWID (*Save as File only)

The HWID (*Save as File only) feature works locally, allowing you to specify multiple HWIDs separated by semicolons (e.g., x;y;z) in the HWIDs input field. When users attempt to import or open the config in ZIVPN, the app checks if the device's HWID matches any of the allowed HWIDs in the config. If there's a match, the config imports successfully; otherwise, access is denied.