Understanding Slow DNS Tunnel and Boost Slow DNS Mode in ZIVPN

What is Slow DNS Tunnel?

Slow DNS Tunnel is a VPN protocol that uses DNS requests to tunnel traffic through a network. It is designed to bypass restrictive networks and firewalls by encapsulating your data in DNS queries. This method allows you to access the internet even in environments with heavy censorship.

What is Boost Slow DNS Mode?

Boost Slow DNS Mode is an advanced feature in ZIVPN designed for load balancing and improving the performance of DNS tunnels. It combines multiple internet connections into a single, more stable connection. This feature can enhance your browsing experience by providing better speeds and reliability when using DNS tunneling.

Pros and Cons



How to Enable Boost Slow DNS Mode

To enable Boost Slow DNS Mode in ZIVPN, follow these steps:

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