Using the "SSH SSL (SNI)" Feature in ZIVPN

What is SSH over SSL/TLS (SNI)?

SSH SSL (SNI) is a method that tunnels SSH traffic through SSL/TLS, providing additional security and privacy by encrypting the connection. Server Name Indication (SNI) is used to specify the server's hostname during the TLS handshake, allowing the connection to be established securely. This method is ideal for bypassing network restrictions and concealing your traffic within standard SSL/TLS traffic.

Benefits of SSH SSL (SNI)

Using the "SSH SSL (SNI)" Feature in ZIVPN

SSH SSL (SNI) can be configured in ZIVPN using the following methods:

1. In-App Free SSH SSL (SNI) Account

Follow these steps to use SSH SSL (SNI) directly from the ZIVPN app:

2. Create an SSH Stunnel Account Through Any Provider

If you prefer, you can create an SSH Stunnel account through any SSH provider. Here’s how:

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